Milky Way
visades i utställningen New Maternalisms, kurerad av Natalie Loveless, producerad av FADO performance art centre i Toronto, 2012.
Milky Way har sin startpunkt i min dotters första amningstäta halvår. Den dyrbara mjölken och hungern efter denna mjölk var våra livs absoluta centrum. Mjölken bröt upp min gamla tidsuppfattning och skapade sin egen som rullade runt i eviga cykler utan hänsyn till om det var dag eller natt, tidigt eller sent. Endast mjölkens, hungerns och mättnadens lagar var giltiga.
Milky Way har sin startpunkt i min dotters första amningstäta halvår. Den dyrbara mjölken och hungern efter denna mjölk var våra livs absoluta centrum. Mjölken bröt upp min gamla tidsuppfattning och skapade sin egen som rullade runt i eviga cykler utan hänsyn till om det var dag eller natt, tidigt eller sent. Endast mjölkens, hungerns och mättnadens lagar var giltiga.
Milky Way
This durational performance was shown in the exhibition New Maternalisms, curated by Natalie Loveless, produced by FADO performance art centre in Toronto, 2012.
The starting point of the performance is the first sixth months of my daughter’s life. The precious milk and the hunger after it was the absolute centre of our lives. It altered my perception of time and the rhythm of life, absorbing my focus into a sequence of sessions, an eternal cycle of its own, with no deference to whether it was day or night, early or late. The only laws valid were those of the milk; the hunger, the feeding and the sated satisfaction.
The starting point of the performance is the first sixth months of my daughter’s life. The precious milk and the hunger after it was the absolute centre of our lives. It altered my perception of time and the rhythm of life, absorbing my focus into a sequence of sessions, an eternal cycle of its own, with no deference to whether it was day or night, early or late. The only laws valid were those of the milk; the hunger, the feeding and the sated satisfaction.